
First Cali-vary Spring 2024
Pro Open

RankNameTop 4Weekly Payouts
1Danny Cherlow401.9$153
2Jon Drummond376.8$69
3Patrick Kelly368.7$43
4Cory Maanum363.9$38
5Thong Vue354.5$14
6Jordan Sorenson193.1$55
7Ben Keist184.3$35
8James-Carlo LaManna161$0
9Josh miller100.6$38
10Dustin Saulsbury97$27
11Willy Thoen92.5$17
12Nick Beisang92.5$17
13Kris Robertson92$17
14Adam Johnson88$0
15Daniel M Johnson84$0
16Joe Hoppe82$0
17shawn livermore82$0
18James Ehlenz79$0

For a more detailed standings table, please click here

(*) Preliminary Series Payouts are not final. This only indicates year end payout IF the series ended today.
(*) Payout pool will rise, and leaders will change as the series progresses.