
Forgotten Pars Spring Training 2024
Women (Red)

RankNameTop 3Weekly Payouts
1Alyxandra Averkamp296.26$63
2Jennifer Ridenour295.4$32
3Lora Murtha265.14$12
4Renee Chizek253.48$2
5Paula Schonfeld189.53$31
6Emily Mueller189.15$29
7Sarah Cahill187.04$27
8Amanda Dee92$12
9Jennifer McLemore81.33$0
10Melissa Champeau80.8$0
11Jordan Strand78.67$0

For a more detailed standings table, please click here

(*) Preliminary Series Payouts are not final. This only indicates year end payout IF the series ended today.
(*) Payout pool will rise, and leaders will change as the series progresses.