
KP Shorts Fall 2022

RankNameTop 3Weekly Payouts
1Bruce Sanburg296.7$51
2Phil Loprinzi271.4$17
3Art Perez173.6$6
4William Newhouse101$43
5steivan rude100.5$26
6Sean Rugg100.2$22
7Chris Carlson96.4$29
8Tommy Murashie95.2$17
9Phillip Perez92.8$19
10Taylor Bove89.2$6
11Matthew Syx89.2$6
12Blake Binman80.8$0
13Ethan Hemmelman80.8$0
14Jack Lund78.4$0

For a more detailed standings table, please click here

(*) Preliminary Series Payouts are not final. This only indicates year end payout IF the series ended today.
(*) Payout pool will rise, and leaders will change as the series progresses.