
KP Shorts Winter 2023

RankNameTop 5Weekly Payouts
1Phillip Perez389.7$73
2Charlie Moua261.6$10
3Ae Moua200.6$34
4Alex lamkin188.1$9
5Kyle Robinson174.4$10
6Russ Jacobsen168$0
7Richard Klatt160.8$0
8Art Perez100.6$26
9Michael Bruns100.5$21
10Lucas Krings100.1$9
11Andres Losinski100.1$9
12Stephen Wilson94$14
13Sonenalinh Kounduangta92$10
14John Mathewson92$10
15Dawson Moore88$0

For a more detailed standings table, please click here

(*) Preliminary Series Payouts are not final. This only indicates year end payout IF the series ended today.
(*) Payout pool will rise, and leaders will change as the series progresses.