League Central

The Derelict League: After Dark Spring 2023 Week 5
Attendance: 30
Ace $413

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Layout Details

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Layout Name Hillcrest Knoll 20 (Night)
Course Name Hillcrest Knoll
# of Holes 20
Par 60
Length 4206
Course Record -18 🔥
Joe Hoppe
Series Record -14 🔥
Thong Vue

CTP Prizes

Hole NamePrizeSponsorValue
Hillcrest Knoll 2$1 CTP #1KP Leagues$31*
Hillcrest Knoll 7$1 CTP #2KP Leagues$31*
Hillcrest Knoll 3MVP Lab Second TeslaThe Derelict League$20
Hillcrest Knoll 5 RGOBAxiom Electron ProxyThe Derelict League$15
Hillcrest Knoll 8Alpha Discs ApolloMatt Paulus$20
Hillcrest Knoll 4 RGOBMcclures Mystery BoxScott "Electric McChains"$20
Hillcrest Knoll 9Putt Sluts Dynamic Discs JudgePK$20
CTP Summary
* Optional CTP. Must buy in to qualify
If a 9/10 hole course - CTP is for both tees on that basket.
NameThrowsHandicapDerelict Score
Tristan Spears #52464.050
Chong Yang 54-3.051
bobby auren #1958-6.052
JD Siler 502.052
Jon Hagel 521.053
Nick Beisang #3467.053
Joseph Tracy 504.054
Dean Peterson 532.055
Phillip Perez #5514.055
Steven Murashie 67-12.055
Amanda Kutzke #3960-4.056
James Connelly 62-5.057
Patrick Kelly #1489.057
Peter Baldwin 534.057
Ronald Milligan 543.057
Andrew Lang 562.058
Brett Wasieleski 562.058
Corey Brennan #20508.058
Joe Hoppe #6517.058
Michael Warns #4364-6.058
Michael Winkels 553.058
Alexander Gallagher #86563.059
Thong Vue #44910.059
Tony Kutzke #44554.059
Amy Geib #2265-5.0+60
Wyatt Engl #49546.0+60
Tommy Murashie #9556.0+61
Tyson Batton 69-8.0+61
Nhia Xiong #12584.0+62
Scott Howard #10577.0+64

PlayerHole Name
JD SilerHillcrest Knoll 7